Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Reflection of the days...

The 8 Months With You Gals

Elaine posted this into her blog..everything she wrote seem to be recalled and just a reflection of a mirror..truly seen the happiness with those silly nonsense she mentioned. But...i don't see it silly..i will said it's just a part of boring working life..with this so called "silly nonsenses", brushed up our boring days and colored it with frosty colors. Really gonna miss the days we've been through together and really appreciate to have a "neighbor" as her..she is just what she are. Women who holding her own principle tightly...

Am gonna miss the neighbor
who's always finds me busybody, noisy and annoying ( i hope i don't annoy you..hehe)..
who's always have tea, cereal, nasi lemak...together
who taught me CS3 and exchanged idea..
who complaint on the same things
who's having the same thought sometimes..
who's talks from sunrise til sun set (work start -> work off)
who's shouting each other all the time
who's brings me water when am busy..

and..shouting that i already having 32 this months..haha..
well..this will be the 33 and maybe the last post of the month

i believe 32 posts is just because i have just been through a lot within a months..
and all this posting will brings me joys and cheers me one day later when i read again~

Monday, March 30, 2009

something colorful...

Awesome frosting color, i was thinking colorful brings happiness for my new TVC. I was searching around the www. and coincidentally got this pic in flickr. it is called " happiness is a colorful cupcake" which i believe it is cool! it has a wonderful shading and many colorful candies blend with icing.. brighten up my day!



Finally got to know where this statement from..but it really meant a lot for me..sighz
Saw this statement dis morning, hmmm..my feeling was unexplainable, i believe am in sick, my heart is sick, i felt breathless in sudden.but, this is it what i always used to tells both us? YES!
The acceptance of expected result and final result is so much different and it is pretty hard to believe the facts and it really happened.am just super selfish and useless. i felt restless on handle this situation. Walking away is what i used to do and only things i keen to do..
I used to walked away from the troubles in my life, walking away to find a better day, sometimes some people get me wrong when it's something I've said or done and sometimes i feel there is no fun that's why i turn and run but now i truly realized it all caused by don't wanna compromise

Friday, March 27, 2009

Battle of our working life??

Elaine and i was so darn bored today.. although we re not productive but i believe we are not the ONLY..haha..

Missing my fRiday cRaBBie paRty??

Has been long time never have this fRiday cRaBBie paRty d..
i missed it so much!!!! i've been reading backwards my past posting..my life seem so colorful compare to now, just DULL~
I missed my..
  • fRiday cRaBBie paRty
  • Sat cLuBBing niTe
  • Sun midnite ReDboX
  • Mon HaLo Cafe
  • Tue mamakian
  • Wed happy hour + movie
  • Thu sneak preview of Movie
plus, my outskirt activity..
  • Ulu yam lo mee
  • Kuala Selangor Seafood
  • Tanjung Malim Clam
  • Tuk Alang River Prawn
  • Kluang Beef noodles
  • Ipoh Tau fu fah
  • Bukit Tinggi yumcha session
  • Cameron's tomatoes
  • Janda Baik (Bentung) Seafood
  • Gotong Jaya Prawn noodles
  • Ampang Yong Tau fu
any many more....fav foods, places which i unable to recalls.. all the above is not included in town restaurants which i tried. And now..i have nothing on my mind what is nice to eat and go.. i guess am just being too much in the past. i have been long long time never have the feeling of eating tasty food!!!! sighsss~~~~~

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mosquito control technique - useful tip!

Use a strong lemon flavoured dish washing detergent

Use Harimau Kuat Lemon flavoured dish wash liquid (yellow bottle and About RM2.80) and..... It actually works.


And non poisonous unlike Ridsect of Fumakilla and the others.

Finally, found this simple home tip:-

You have a lot of mosquitoes in your bedroom? Try this.

Mosquito Treatment:

A Tip that was given at a recent gardening forum. Put some water in a White dinner plate and add a couple drops of the Dish Washing detergent.

Set the dish in your room, on Your porch , patio, picnic table, park bench, or other outdoor area. Not Sure what attracts them, the lemon smell, the white plate colour, or what.

BUT ... Mosquitoes flock to it, and drop dead shortly after drinking the Lemon Fresh Joy/water mixture, and usually within about 10 feet of the plate.

TRY IT--- it works just superb! It may seem trivial, but it may also Help to control mosquitoes around your home

Pass this on to anyone who likes sitting out in the evening, or when They're having a cook out.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Resting Home

though is already 2nd day..
but i still felt the pain. when brothers saw my medi..

eric: wah! so many medi ar?
alice: yalo..
(after whole afternoon)
eric: wei..getting better d or not?
alice: no wo..still pain..
eric: you gonna die d~
alice: sigh~~

(alan back from work)
alan: you sick again??
alice: yalo..
alan: haih~~

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


yer...it's another sick day.
i vomit and have diarrhea today..having gastric summore.
went to doctor after my half day work. doctor gave me a jap. YES, a jap again.
if not mistaken from the beginning of feb until today i have been taken more than 3 jap d.

doc: relax k..
alice: ok..
doc: r u pain??
alice:hmm....(donno how to answer)
doc: i think you're painless..(smile)

after visit my doc i went home sleep.i think...i have been sleeping whole day..i just felt so cold and pain again..

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lonely Me Charlene Album

3)Lonely Me
7)重来 (锺欣桐 合唱)
8)I'm sorry
9)我们没完没了 (锺欣桐 合唱)
11)小酒窝 (国语)
12)Make a wish
13)小酒窝 (粤语)
14)Make a wish (Joy and peace Mix)

Charlene's latest album but on her own. Without Gillian. No wonder the title is LONELY ME. You can really tell the feelings Charlene has for her pal, Gillian. Even the songs reflected that sadness. For example, 二个人一心 and 二缺一. 二缺一 talks about her missing Gillian. There are even songs like I am Sorry. Interestingly there are a few songs that she sang with Gillian too so what's the deal :)

Out on 19th March 2009.

Cant wait for my ah sa new album..does anyone there know where can i download it or isit release in market??

love her TWO MINUS ONE ..dis song remind me about ah gill.


为何若喜欢见到你 然而觉得爱的却是他

朋友不会是爱人 从来是这样偏偏费神
明知你的他没有 也是缺憾

*(和你可结伴旅行 原来亦渴望他的永恒
明知你的他没有 亦觉吸引)

而灵魂就算可以互给两个人 但我只得一个心
还是我不信你们 不可以一个心

#为何若喜欢见到你 然而觉得爱的却是他(为何爱他会更加难)
方知道 情感复杂 难道完美 并无办法(真的很假)
如何令他加半点你 然而从没有合一的方法
接受吗 或者感叹 难受吗 从此要习惯(不想答 唯有去习惯)

Repeat *

怀疑自己很贪心 就算知你跟他最後两个人
承认我始终不信 不可以一个心

Repeat #


每晚回到家裡 快半殘廢身軀
入睡床沒法睡 雜念來又去
往往仍記起你 過去共你一起

分享我的興趣 分擔我各樣顧慮
你去後令我發現 笑聲有罪 踏步也失據

剩下自己 怎可走到尾
遇挫折孤身撐起 好東西獨自回味
醉極仍是剩下自己 彷彿單腳企
任我再努力逃避 終需約定沒餘地
假使我昨日 單身走過去
沒有經歷和你 一起的壯舉
今天要我獨居應不會 難受到想死去

慣了共你一半 吃喝共你一碗
是幕僚是友伴 幸吆妥詽M
這晚上再想你 記掛共你一起
初經過的多麼美 多麼迴腸蕩氣

分享我的興趣 分擔我各樣顧慮
你去後令我發現 笑聲有罪 踏步也失據

剩下自己 怎可走到尾
遇挫折孤身撐起 好東西獨自回味
醉極仍是剩下自己 彷彿單腳企
任我再努力逃避 終需約定沒餘地
假使我昨日 單身走過去
沒有經歷和你 一起的壯舉
今天要我獨居應不會 難受到想死去

實在是世事難敵 剩下自己怎可走到尾
遇挫折孤身撐起 好東西獨自回味
醉極仍是剩下自己 彷彿單腳企
任我再努力逃避 終需約定沒餘地

追逐前事剩下自己 怎可走到尾 (ha~多麼多麼的想你)
遇挫折孤身撐起 好東西獨自回味 (極痛恨遺憾美)
醉極仍是剩下自己 彷彿單腳企 (我會試試今天起)
任我再努力逃避 終需約定沒餘地 (習慣剩下自己)
假使我昨日 單身走過去
沒有經歷和你 一起的壯舉
今天要我獨居應不會 難受到想死去


Saturday, March 21, 2009

One of my FAV..

has been looking around for this candy for few months. finally got it in a KOREAN candyhouse. yum yum~

Friday, March 20, 2009

CandiliciousJ: Mascara Day!!!!

CandiliciousJ: Mascara Day!!!!


Figure Anatomy Of A G00d Friend

Monday, August 14, 2006

Will always see you for the way you really are, your true self.

Will always have them open to listen.

To always tell you the truth and give their opinions, tell you when you mess up or do something good.

Will offer when you need one to cry on, will be your strength when you find it hard to carry yourself. Will always let you lean on them.

To love you for who you are and not judge, Will always have a place there for you.

To hold yours when you need a little guidance, To lend when you need help, and to help you up when you may fall.

Will always make you feel comfortable in them and to offer hugs when you need one.
Will try to warm when you are cold.

To walk with you throughout your life and be the best friend they can be happy as ur fren and will always be there for u

Was reading backward all my posts. It was so much fun and memories being refreshed in my mind. I recalled how my closed buddies celebrated our 21st birthday and what how we planned to celebrate our 24th birthday together..and this is one of the article posted 3 years ago. Got to know some new friends recent years. It is so much different compare to last time. As I remember my 1st post did mentioned that Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. yes! i believe it is true. Maybe this is what we call "GROWTH"!


永远要记得 “事不关己,既不劳心”。

Got this from kitto blog. hmm..爱情是盲目既? is it true? but i love “事不关己,既不劳心”。

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Nice pic. got this from my cousin - Jasmin's facebook.


贱男人 会让妳爱上他后 告诉妳 他并不爱妳
有心的男人 不管距离有多远都会来找妳
痴心的男人 只剩万分之一机会让你遇到
恐怖的男人 会在楼梯口等妳回来
不爱你的男人 会用尽一切理由离开妳
有风度的男人 会把妳当成女人
有礼貌的男人 会尊重妳的想法和意见
有心计的男人 会不择手段的要妳和他吃晚餐
不负责任的男人 和妳睡后 不理妳
口说爱你的男人 可能在下一个月就和另一个女人在一起了
口是心非的男人 不值得让妳托付终生
没有良心的男人 不会在乎妳曾经为他付出多少
想追求你的男人 会找尽借口接近妳,对妳百般迁就
优柔寡断的男人 可以让妳成为大女人
玩弄感情的男人 让妳痛心疾首
捉摸不到的男人 往往会突然间在妳生活里消失
有情有义的男人 会永远记得妳的生日
有女朋友的男人 不可能还是妳的好朋友
对你有兴趣的男人 会不停地问妳问题

got this from 年年清...

Happy birthday to Janice

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to Vikki mama...
happy birthdahy to you.........

alice: eh sei poh, happy birthday. Wishing you sexy and happy always. Muaks.. Y no online ar?
(JaniCe just sent you a nudge.)
JaniCe says: no more sexy birthday la..haih

Janice>> my eva best companion! we used to clubs, drinks (alcohol and non alcohol), dance, yoga, sing k, shopping (MANGO), gossips, criticizing on FATTY, CRABBIE (our lovely crab's dinner)...etc.
but after becomes a good mama, our outing is ZERO and commucation only during works (MSN) or while baby Vikki is asleep (PHONE)..haha..
but anyhow..never forgot my best companion - buddy's birthday!

Souvenir from NBF

NBF>>>haha..Trix lo.. thanks for your beloved T-shirt.hahahA.. also all the ear rings.. guess wat ur ear ring cause me late to work today! i wanted to wear da whitty green strape ear ring so took me 10 more mins to look for my informal attire to work.. anyway i've tried your T, just fit! thanks ya! muaxxx~

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


To all my blog's supporter, after Random FIVE - R5. am into the new group name CLEAR CLEAR Group.
how CLEAR CLEAR group start??

Let's our leader YEAR YEAR CLEAR defines...

Once upon a time, there are 5 creatures from Venus bump into each other on earth and since then all sort of funny, silly & scary incidents started...

We all LOVE to shop... we can shop in group or in pair or individually (sometimes even in dream)... we shop early in the morning for breakfast, we shop during lunch time, we shop online, we shop for travel package, we shop for tea break snacks, we shop after work, we shop for... you name it!

Therefore, we named ourselves the 清清组合 because we CLEAR EVERYTHING most of the time (regardless money, food, beverages, etc)

Very less human beings could possibly imagine the places when these 5 creatures gather together... we can be loud, I mean REAL LOUD at times and many times it seems that we can't able to stop talking and when we are "forced" to be apart... we still manage to communicate.

There this a lot more in our leader's blog, please pay your visit at When 5 Women Gather Together

SKYPE becomes one of the best communication tool to us. we can ever non stop continue our non sense and stupid conversation there.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday!!!!

Happy 21st Birthday to my .. little brother - ERIC who is my personal hair dresser and party friend now!
Papa brought us back a bottle

Château Tour Haut-Caussan Médoc(1988)

it was Red - Medium-bodied. France, Bordeaux, Medoc wine.
how come having this for our lovely brother birthday celebration?
Just because it is same age as my little brother lol..
both us has been think and think..whether should open the wine..but lastly we did!
haha.. what a wonderful night we have been spending together.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Earth Hour written by Aina - 14 year old

Earth's life wont last that long,
When global warming drains them all,
It used to be a great clean place,
But now its just a place for haze.

Rubish and trash are everywhere,
Many people dont seem to care,
Seeing this as it breaks my heart,
Why wont people just pick it up.

Many lights and air polution,
Alot of different deadly solutions,
Causing problems like acid rain,
It just makes me go insane.

Walking home everyday from school,
If it rains, im soon in the blues,
Knowing that if i walked in the rain,
I would be sick all the way.

Catastrophies and disasters,
Slowly increasing in numbers,
Sooner or later i may not complain,
Malaysia might even have hurricanes.

Skin cancer,Asthma and not forgeting S.A.R.S,
Are now starting to spread,
These diseases are deadly,
And are killing more people towards the end.

Im crying out to everyone,
Help us in Earth Hour,
So please give us a hand to lend,
To stop the beginning of the end.

The young believer Aina

What does my birthday say about me!

Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet easily jealous. Very Stubborn and money cautious.

Friday, March 13, 2009


yer...July lai said we are 大吃怪!!! coz right after lunch Elaine bought 4 packs of keropok and each of us bought soya desserts. This morning I bought 10 pcs of eggs tarts...hmm..we still have 6pcs for our time later i guess..shit..we have been eating so muchhhhhhh....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stat Summary

Part 2: Feeling of Love


Part 1: Feeling of Love



Saturday, March 07, 2009


Jessie: 喂,到底仲要扑几来?
Alice: 要扑到红为止!
Elaine: 系咯,点解扑极都唔红咯?有无买错炭?
Alice: 无啦!尼个系BBQ炭莱咯!一定掂!
Alice: 烧炭说明书?你傻咯?做OL做到Sot咗!
Jessie: 点解我成日卑人闹???(无奈)
Jessie: 所有也都有说明书 - 读书,安装,坐车,吃饭, 生仔。。 但扁扁BBQ炭盒无说明书,劲 KAI!! 请将BBQ炭盒改进一下 !!


Funny session we had while we trying to start our bbq..

野蛮奶奶 : 我叫你 " STOP "
无奈媳妇 : "不知情的" OKAY.. OKAY.. 对不起.. 对不起 !!
野蛮奶奶 : 你道地 "识吾识"??
野蛮奶奶 : 你五行欠 “打”??
野蛮奶奶 : 你就快要嫁左。。。但系麽都唔识。唔识park车,唔识买鸡,唔识洗鸡,唔识透炉,你识滴麽??仲唔快滴摞扫把去扫地!?!?
野蛮奶奶 : 扑,扑,扑。。你无睇到我系到放炭啊???仲扑????
无奈媳妇 : 我好烟吖!睇唔到。。SORRY啰!

Friday, March 06, 2009

Life is full of obstacles

no one's life is perfect
there must be something that block u to reach your goal......
just depends on how u deal with it and
how serious/big that thing is ~~~

Am a super selfish person who never being considerate on others
Ever since when i being like dis huh? am just forgot..and don't think i want to recall it.
Being selfish is not a good thing of cause but am ready to deserve what i did and what i chose.
am person who did things for own goods. unwilling to shares "obstacles"
"non of my business" is what i used to told myself these years..
living without hoping something.."special" or "bonus" is the best i ever had..
when this "special" /"bonus" comes without expecting make me feel so good.
"being responsible" is hard for me...am only able to be"responsible" what ever i did and what ever i chose. "Empty promises" to me is "SUPER BAD" which is "DISAPPOINTMENT" to me.

Monday, March 02, 2009



记得上个礼拜先至赠咗 Elaine 两句。。“几百万张心意卡都比吾上一张百金既附属卡"..仲叫佢切记啊!!


空既是色,色既是空,人生本是一身空,环境所逼去做工,超级工作低人工,奸狠老板逼赶工,工作永远不曾松,时间长过马拉松,新水少过做义工,拜六出粮礼拜空,惨过孟加拉劳工,叫我如何再开工,口袋没钱脑袋空,只好学人练蛇功,天天假装好多工,蛇下蛇下又一工,成日返工等放工,年年希望 加人工!!!



New Colleague - LIM KOK WING???

We have a new colleague today..When Mary came by my desk and introduce this new IT colleague..i was no idea what is his name..so ..i stop Mary and asked with an embarrassed tone.."may i know what is his name again?" then Elaine who is beside me said.."LIM KOK WING" I actually heard LIM KOK WING when he spoke to Elaine early and i heard that Elaine said "same college bla bla...with her wisppered tone. It is unclear for me to listen the full conversation anyway.. So Mary again tell me he name "LIM KOK WING" and preferable to call him Kok Wing..haha..


晨早到office得知个日bank in 咗deposit 而家话要加价,由原先既RM190 加至RM230。根本就不可理如。与是我就播个轮要佢退返钱備我,佢话唔知系假日哗,sot 既!中要我将点钱摆住先话。。等下次去。。系佢自己都无check 清楚,都唔关我地既事。。!我一论咀甘讲完要讲既也就收咗佢线。然后sms佢我既bank account number。原先以为佢会ignore 我,点知佢call 翻来要我既名。。哈哈。。有时真系唔知点讲呢的人!唉。。。。