Monday, November 26, 2007

Love quote of the day..

"i love life. am sad, but at the same time, am really happy that something can make me feel that sad. It's like it makes me feel alive. It makes me feel human. The only way i can feel this sad now is if i felt something really good before. So i have to take the bad with the good. So i guess what am feeling now is a beautiful sadness."

Trix showed me dis from her fren's's telling the truth i guess..

Thursday, November 22, 2007



1. 孝順父母的男人……裙腳仔

* 愛他的原因︰

對家人好的男人,十分注重家庭觀念,思想傳統,有責任感有承擔, 個性較為斯文有耐性,是賢妻良母型女性的絕配。

* 恨他的原因︰一句「阿媽話……」成為了他的擋箭牌,買樓、結婚、生仔,無一不徵詢過阿媽同意,沒有主見的裙腳仔,你受得了嗎?

2. 「好 man」的男人……野蠻人

* 愛他的原因︰缺乏安全感的女人都想有一個性格剛烈的男人來保護自己。你會臣服在他的威嚴之下,更會相信他使用暴力是有必要的。

* 恨他的原因︰當事情發展到「好man」的男人認為「女人唔聽話就要打」,你便不得不死心了。而且性格剛烈的男人,容易與人結怨,與他出街,小心有人尋仇。

3. 「無腳鳥」男人……多情種

* 愛他的原因︰愛追求浪漫的女人,開始的時候都喜歡與「無腳鳥」男人把酒談歡,因為他們風趣幽默,無憂無慮。更重要的是,天真的女人常以為自己能夠成為「無腳鳥」男人的最後一站……

* 恨他的原因︰然而,當女人發現自己不是尾站,便心有不甘,幾經拉扯仍然不得要領,唯有怨恨多情種欺騙其感情,有些烈女更會將這個「臭男人」唱通街,以洩心頭之恨。其實「無腳鳥」男人一直無變,只是女人忽然醒覺罷了。

4. 令得你滿心歡喜的男人……空頭支票

* 愛他的原因︰男人沒有幽默感,比起長相平凡更可悲。女人總是愛聽有新意的情話,懂得用說話令得你滿心歡喜的男人,比起靚仔更討好。

* 恨他的原因︰當你發現他的話無句真,發誓當食生菜,你便開始討厭他的甜言蜜語,開始懷疑他對別的女人也是同樣口蜜,甚至你會懷疑他是一張空頭支票...

5. 為你排難解紛的男人……大男人

* 愛他的原因︰沒有主見的女人都會愛上一個能替她排難解紛的男人。他是你的指南針、盲公竹,事事有他來決定,自己亦樂得清閒。

* 恨他的原因︰然而,當你有天驚覺這個男人反客為主,固執霸道之餘, 對你的感受更是愛理不理,你便會開始抱怨這個大男人不解溫柔兼粗心大意

Got this article from jobby's blog..
hmm..i love and hate... is the combination of
孝順父母的男人+令得你滿心歡喜的男人 = 裙腳仔+空頭支票
how come am so stupid ar?haihss...

meaningful quote of life

The way to find love,
isn't finding the person but loving the imperfect person perfectly,
true love has no happy ending.
It simply doesn't end
Today, my coll Trix suddenly asked me dis..
Trix : Gal, would you go for someone you love or beloved by someone?
me : hmm...i always like to go for someone i love but am learning to how to beloved..
Trix : why?..
me : it's tiring to love someone..
Trix : but don't you think it's won't be as happy as it is..
(silence ~~ )
(1 min later)
me : yea. i do know that. but is complicated. (life always goes the opposite way we want..sighs..)

Saturday, November 03, 2007

THE CALLING - Could It Be Any Harder

You left me with goodbye and open arms
A cut so deep I don't deserve
You were always invincible in my eyes
the only thing against us now is time
Could it be any harder to say goodbye and without you,
Could it be any harder to watch you go, to face whats true
If I only had one more day
I lie down and blind myself with laughter
A quick fix of hope is what I'm needing
And now i wish that i could turn back the hours
But i know i just don't have the power
I'd jump at the chance
Wed drink and wed dance
And I'd listen close to your every word,
As if its your last, I know its your last,
Cause today, oh, you're gone
Like sand on my feet
The smell of sweet perfume
You stick to me forever,baby
and I wish you didn't go,
I wish you didn't go
I wish you didn't go away
To touch you again,
With life in your hands
It couldn't be any harder

Got this song from Fara's blog. it's meaningful i guess..