Friday, October 28, 2005

lost in space

Dear God,
i felt dat im so lost
didn't know what am i doin all these while
life is like shit
less sleep but play hard..really hard
just 24 hours for a week i slept
can't imagine how can i be like dis..

Dear God,
i got dis love quote from a site,
"If you love someone, set them free.
If they come back they're yours;
if they don't they never were."
i'm so confuse on da phase..
isn't it true that if they come back they're yours??
what about not?? i really wish to know..
i was alwis believed dat quote i read
until confuse..

Dear God,
all i wish is,
"If you love someone, set them free.
If they come back they're yours;
if they don't they never were."
i hope it's true
hating people comes and goes...
never just leave some footprints..

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