Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's resolution??

Goodness knows I've made many changes in my life over year 2009 but none was the result of any New Year's resolution.

I will never give up making New Year's Resolutions although most of my resolutions never took flight. hehe.. Moreover, if a resolution did make it out of the gate it usually had an incredibly short shelf life. For me, making New Year's resolutions was a holiday tradition (especially the moment the 1st fireworks hit!), but breaking them was also a tradition.

As each day of the New Year went by, the holiday season would drift further and further away. Likewise, I would traditionally drift further and further away from my resolutions and the changes I thought about making in my life. Instead of serving as a means to an end, my resolutions had become nothing more than temporary, if not momentary ideas. The traditional cycle would be complete when nothing - and I mean nothing - changed.

However, I have been thinking over and over starting my own personal revolution sometime before 2009 gone. I guess I should just skip the resolution stuff but consider what I really want to achieve. Then, go deep into my heart and soul and truly connect with the changes I want to make my life in 2010.

I wish you all a Happy New Year filled with amazing accomplishments.

1 comment:

David Yee said...
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