Wednesday, July 14, 2004


1. Feeling of not being ``good enough'' to meet the challenge of a situation you face in life.
2. Sense of helplessness in the face of problems, conflict, or concerns.
3. Belief that one is inadequate or incompetent to handle life's challenges.
4. Fear of being discovered as inadequate, ill fitted, or unsuited to meet responsibilities at home, school, or on the job.
5. Sense of not fitting in, being ``out of synch'' with those in your peer group.
6. Perception that life is unpredictable with most of the expectations you have to meet not clearly understood.
7. Sense of always climbing ups a mountain, never being able to reach the top.
8. Sense of lacking support or reinforcement where you live, work, or play.
9. Results from a sense of being unaccepted, disapproved, or rejected.
10. Inner turmoil coming from a lack of direction or bewilderment as to where you are going, what your goals are, and what responses are appropriate for events in life.

does anyone knows how to get rid of the feeling of insecurity? i'm so scared... i felt so useless and helpless.... i can only felt hurt inside..... in my heart...and no matter how hard i work to achieve, i never get any recognition! I am incompetent in everything...I failed them in the past; therefore, I am a failure today!?? Once a failure, always a failure!????.........

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