Saturday, January 06, 2007

25th Birthday - GRowing Up..

As the matter of fact, there was some mixed complicated feeling.There are everlasting memories ->-> the feeling when being alone with fear recalling the couple of years with my “buddy”, no matter what and how they're alwis there for me.
unforgettable and indeed all that am thirstily depriving of nowadays. But now, thing is not alwis to be share frankly. There is something that need to be overtaking by ownself. I guess this is one of the growing-up thing. It was simply occupied and feeling complete when we were young. Life was just about what we like to do momentarily and feeling great about it; of cause plus some naïve anticipation about the beautiful future being an adult. Well, when we finally earned the title as an “ADULT”.. Does that sound as exciting as it was supposed to be? Can we do just what we like to do? Life is more about what we have to do.. We are doing what is necessary and pleasures have become a bonus. Too much stress about life.. too much consideration for the reality.. we are doing what we need to do pursuing the ultimate goal in our lives.. Hypothetically a better life and presumably a happier one….. but what is a happier life? "Tired" is what i can said after all. Recalling my "buddy" make me strong and the third dimension of living. TOday is my 25th birthday and the mixed complicated feeling wake me up to the reality. Thank you to all my "buddy" especially emily whose purposely came back from Penang for me and others whose really keep me as their "buddy". Thank you for your accompanied in my hard time and GLaD to have you guyz.

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