Wednesday, March 18, 2009


To all my blog's supporter, after Random FIVE - R5. am into the new group name CLEAR CLEAR Group.
how CLEAR CLEAR group start??

Let's our leader YEAR YEAR CLEAR defines...

Once upon a time, there are 5 creatures from Venus bump into each other on earth and since then all sort of funny, silly & scary incidents started...

We all LOVE to shop... we can shop in group or in pair or individually (sometimes even in dream)... we shop early in the morning for breakfast, we shop during lunch time, we shop online, we shop for travel package, we shop for tea break snacks, we shop after work, we shop for... you name it!

Therefore, we named ourselves the 清清组合 because we CLEAR EVERYTHING most of the time (regardless money, food, beverages, etc)

Very less human beings could possibly imagine the places when these 5 creatures gather together... we can be loud, I mean REAL LOUD at times and many times it seems that we can't able to stop talking and when we are "forced" to be apart... we still manage to communicate.

There this a lot more in our leader's blog, please pay your visit at When 5 Women Gather Together

SKYPE becomes one of the best communication tool to us. we can ever non stop continue our non sense and stupid conversation there.

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